Who I amDr. Moira Sweeting-Miller is an Assistant Principal/Intern Principal at Monarch High School in Coconut Creek, Florida. She has been serving in education for the past 27 years and has worked in both public and private education. She has served as an educator, department chair, and the district and state advisor for several
Career Technical Student Organizations. She has also worked at the college level as an Adjunct Professor. Dr. Sweeting-Miller earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota, Morris in Business Economics, with a minor in Speech Communications. She earned a Master of Business Administration degree from Barry University, Miami Shores and a Doctor of Philosophy degree from Barry University in Leadership and Education. Dr. Sweeting-Miller believes that building relationship is the key to student success and that as leaders we must foster this with the educators in our buildings. By building relationships we are helping students to be MVP’s. We are Motivating Students with the Vision to Progress Forward. Dr. Sweeting-Miller is the CEO of TheEduLeader Consulting Solutions, LLC in Plantation, Florida focusing on mentoring aspiring leaders, educators, and developing ways to improve student outcomes and increase student achievement. She is an avid reader and holds the philosophy that everyone should be a lifelong learner. Connect with her on social media on Twitter @msweetingmiller. Why I Joined BWELI joined BWEL to make a difference in the lives of women education leaders, particularly Black
women. I feel that when we work together, we empower each other, and this will transcend into leadership excellence. |
Dr. Moira Sweeting-MillerBWEL National Secretary 2023-2025
What I do for BWELI take minutes at all Board meetings and distributes them to the membership. I also maintain membership contact sheets, schedule and arrange meetings, and provide professional development certificates to attendees.
My AccomplishmentsDr. Sweeting-Miller is or was an active member of:
also a finalist in Broward County for Assistant Principal of the Year. |